Saturday, January 21, 2012

Jan 20 - My last day of work in the US

Today I was given a surprise 'going away luncheon' by my staff at school. They got me good. I work with some really great people; even my Superintendent came to wish me well.

I also transferred all my lesson plans, keys, and music teaching responsibilities to my long-term substitute, who has generously agreed to take it all on for the rest of the school year. I feel like my students are in very capable hands (which means I can now focus on the bigger transition in front of me).

I was going to go to a music party tonight at a friend's house, but the snow was getting deep, my tires are old, I was rather enjoying Beth's FaceTime companionship, and my bed was feeling way too comfy.

So, instead, I took some time to take Lesson 1 of Pimsleur's Thai course. There are 30 lessons, about 30 minutes each. If master the first 5-10 before I leave the US, I'll be satisfied. Thai is a hard language.  "Pom kowjai pasa Thai nitnoy, khrap." (I understand Thai a little.)

Still nursing a minor but nagging hip injury, I woke up in the middle of the night and watched "Return to Paradise", a 1998 film I would recommend for those interested in stories of travel -- I'll leave it at that!

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